How to Build a SMART Home

The basics of keeping any home running smoothly have not changed in decades – mop, vacuum, change light bulbs, set thermostat, mow lawn, do laundry, stock refrigerator, keep family safe, and repeat. Until now, these tasks required some very real physical effort, but advances in Wi-Fi, digital technology, and mobile communications have made the idea of a Smart Home or a home that is quickly and intuitively able to run itself, a reality.

The first step in crafting a Smart Home begins with the hub or control center. Controlled by voice commands or smart devices, it is integral that each is compatible with the other, and fully integrated into the control hub.

With connectivity comes a heightened level of responsibility and, therefore, it is crucial to keep security and privacy as top priorities. Strong password protection is essential and it is recommended that homeowners install a smart router to run security software at a network level instead of securing each individual device.

What will you need to get start and make your house SMART? Check out the list HERE

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