Nothing Says Christmas Like Mac And Cheese Candy Canes

I love the holidays and nothing says Christmas like macaroni and cheese candy canes – Right?

A novelty item company is getting an early start on Christmas with a new and unusual festive treat: macaroni and cheese flavored candy canes.

These little lovelies  from Seattle company Archie McPhee, are described on the firm’s website as “comfort food that tastes like comfort food.”

“Macaroni and Cheese Candy Canes are a particular favorite of picky eaters,” the website says.

“These candy canes taste like your childhood favorite — mac and cheese. It’s like comfort food-flavored comfort food! Macaroni and cheese has become a holiday family tradition in many parts of the country, so why not let our holiday candy reflect that?”

Archie McPhee also offers candy canes in flavors including pickle, bacon, rotisserie chicken and shellfish-flavored “Clamdy Canes.”


First appearing on UPI

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