Queer Cuba – An historic chance to be there

I am not one who often promotes things, but when something comes along that endeavors to build bridges and offer hope why not share it !  Certainly Cuba did not  rise from the waters like the mythical  city of Atlantis.  In fact, even before the recent events that have brought about new possibilities to rediscover a country that is so rich in history I have dreamed of visiting and doing so before it changes, while past and present still have a place to breathe deeply in harmony with only minimal intrusions –   So when Cuba Inspires reached out to tell me about what they have planned and how Cuba is opening borders and minds not only to the general public, but with a sensitivity to its queer culture I felt it was something worth sharing –  I plan to check it out and now the rest is up to you…

Candis Cayne as an Honorary LGBT Ambassador will be taking on the tough topics openly with other participants as part of the upcoming and groundbreaking Activities Against Homophobia and Transphobia taking place  May 10-16, 2016 in Cuba .

You can join Candis  and more than 500 Americans participants in Cuba.

As the first American LGBT Ambassador, her presence will be significant as she endeavors to promote understanding, compassion and acceptance of LGBT rights, HUMAN RIGHTS as Cuba finds her way.


On the Web  – CubaInspires

Phone Contact  (844) 929 CUBA

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