Happy Mother’s Day: Parenting Unscripted

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Mother’s Day is a special time.  Clearly, it has become a tad commercialized BUT take a moment to get behind the buzz, the  call to action to find the perfect gift and the ubiquitous buffet brunches and as you dig out from under the avalanche of cards that you may feel buried beneath, remember who the day is honoring – YOUR MOM !

So stop the whining, complaining and “soap boxing” about all the “blah, blah, blah” and embrace the moment. If you are lucky enough to still have your mother in  your life…Make sure to find a way, YOUR WAY to make her feel special.

…And for all the mothers out there who may feel a bit lost from time to time and have questions about the mothering conundrum… I looked around the web and these videos from Plum Organics are the real deal a crazy funny.   When I contacted the company they had a mantra as cool and classy as mom..

“This Mother’s Day, Plum Organics is here to tell fellow moms everywhere that it’s all okay (or at the very least, it will be ok in no time!) by sharing relatable stories from moms who have been there.”

Check out all the videos and hey maybe even watch them with the woman who made YOU possible.

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