Word Up: Ten words that will change your life

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I find languages fascinating.   The way in which we communicate while captured in a word can and does often encompass so much more.   English is my first language with Spanish coming in a close second, but the world is filled with so many delicious words I decided to scour the web for those that are indicative of relationships.

wordAt a time when we are bombarded with so many hateful words I would respectfully ask that you each take the time to learn one of these OR share one with me here and most importantly share it with someone you care about as I don’t believe love and hate can occupy the same portion of time and space and to that end your efforts will diminish the gap that hate so quickly slithers into and takes up residency. 

1. Mamihlapinatapei (Yagan, an indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego): The wordless yet meaningful look shared by two people who desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to start. 

2. Yuanfen (Chinese): A relationship by fate or destiny. This is a complex concept. It draws on principles of predetermination in Chinese culture, which dictate relationships, encounters and affinities, mostly among lovers and friends.

3. Cafuné (Brazilian Portuguese): The act of tenderly running your fingers through someone’s hair.

4. Retrouvailles (French):  The happiness of meeting again after a long time.

5.I lunga (Bantu): A person who is willing to forgive abuse the first time; tolerate it the second time, but never a third time.

6. La Douleur Exquise (French): The heart-wrenching pain of wanting someone you can’t have.

7. Koi No Yokan (Japanese): The sense upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall into love.

8. Ya’aburnee (Arabic): “You bury me.” It’s a declaration of one’s hope that they’ll die before another person, because of how difficult it would be to live without them. 

9. Forelsket: (Norwegian):  The euphoria you experience when you’re first falling in love.

10. Saudade (Portuguese): The feeling of longing for someone that you love and is lost. Another linguist describes it as a “vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist.”

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NOTE: Thank you to Pamela Haag for setting this idea in motion

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