Actors whose careers were ruined By True Blood
Follow my blog with Bloglovin While HBO’s True Blood started out as a promising vampire drama thanks to its taste for good gore and sexy human-vampire relations, by the end…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin While HBO’s True Blood started out as a promising vampire drama thanks to its taste for good gore and sexy human-vampire relations, by the end…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin > This certainly made me stop and think… How about you ? John Cena is a professional wrestler who, if you didn’t know any better,…
Despite our bumps and bruises I am so proud to be an American. Even at a time in history when we appear to be so divided I reminded that not…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Mother’s Day is a special time. Clearly, it has become a tad commercialized BUT take a moment to get behind the buzz, the call to…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Loved this movie and loved seeing how it was made — A behind the scenes look with director Jon Favreau to learn how The Jungle…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I wish I had a category for “Things that make my heart sing”, “Things that renew my hope in humanity”, “Things that speak to the…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I love a good pickle I appreciate a fine cheese I worship anything fried but this is simply …. WRONG !
Where has the real bad ass rock band gone and are the days of rock legends over? In a recent interview in USA Today the Struts prove that edgy rock…
Halloween is nearly here and I am a hot mess with a knife when it comes to pumpkin carving – On the other hand, these people have worked it out…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin In our hectic world, people often wonder about what is happening in their homes when they are away… The new Welcome Home Security Camera from…